Win at One-on-Ones: 8-Step Meeting Blueprint

This article will share seven important ways to prepare your questions, feedback, and requests for your manager for your one-on-one session. This will help you appear professional and feel confident and organized.

From my three decades of leadership and management experience, I will give you one critical piece of advice.

Your manager’s time is important, they have 20 other employees like you, so you want to be able to demonstrate your professionalism and respect for their attention.

1. Plan Questions Ahead

Prepare for your one-to-one meeting at least 30 minutes in advance, and take the time to have all your questions written down.

If you are truly professional, you will have a notebook or Excel sheet ready to take notes throughout your working week about decisions you need your manager to make or input you require. This will show your manager that you value their time and are proactive in seeking guidance.

2. Provide Clear Updates On Your Actions.

If you are well organized, you will have a list of short-term activities and yearly goals. Be ready to update your boss on all of your outstanding activities.

  • List your tasks, projects, and business objectives.
  • Are they all moving ahead according to plan?
  • Which activities are late?
  • Do you need extra resources or time?

Clear updates will demonstrate your commitment to completing tasks and achieving goals and your ability to manage multiple responsibilities effectively.

3. Be Clear On The Actions You Need Your Manager To Take.

Being part of a team does not mean you are the only one doing the work. There are many times when you need your manager to act on your behalf or do something to help you progress.

If you need your manager to send an announcement or call to action on your behalf, send them the draft before the meeting and ask them to take action during the meeting.

If you have any roadblocks in your way or do not understand something about your job or goals, this is the time to ask.

Do not be afraid to ask for clarification or guidance from your manager. This will show that you are dedicated to doing your job well and value open communication and teamwork.

Remember, clear updates and effective communication with your manager lead to a better understanding of expectations and can ultimately improve the quality of your work. So, take the time to communicate clearly and proactively with your manager, and it will positively impact both you and the team.

4. Share Your Successes.

Have a list of not only the decisions or actions they also want to take but also the opportunity to share your wins or challenges. Usually, your manager is your manager because they are older, wiser, or have more experience.

They likely have valuable insights and advice to offer youdon’tdon’t be afraid to share your successes with them. This not only shows that you are proud of your accomplishments, but it also gives your manager a chance to see the impact of their guidance and support.

Additionally, sharing your challenges can help build trust and transparency in your relationship with your manager. It shows that you are willing to acknowledge areas for improvement and are open to receiving feedback or suggestions on how to overcome those challenges.

Overall, sharing your successes and challenges with your manager fosters a positive and collaborative work environment, which leads to personal growth and professional development for yourself and the entire team.

Use them to improve your performance and help you succeed on your path to a “Great Work Life.”

5. Communicate Your Challenges.

We all have challenges in business, and hiding them will not help you to achieve your goals, which means you are not helping your manager to achieve her business goals. Be open and honest; you will be appreciated for that.

Share your challenges and limitations with your manager. Acknowledge where you may need improvement and be open to receiving feedback or suggestions on how to overcome those challenges.

By communicating your challenges, you not only show that you are self-aware and willing to improve, but it also allows your manager to better support you. Your manager can provide resources, training, or guidance to help you overcome any obstacles in your way.

Additionally, sharing your successes and challenges with your manager creates a positive and collaborative work environment. When everyone is open and honest about their experiences, it fosters a sense of trust and teamwork within the team. This kind of environment ultimately leads to personal growth for yourself and professional development for the entire team.

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6. Discuss Your Personal Development Needs.

If you are mindful of your day-to-day work, you will soon realize that you could have handled certain situations better if you had developed certain skills. From negotiating sales contExcel to calculating complex equations in excel, we can all improve.

Discussing your personal development needs with your manager allows you to set goals and create an improvement plan. This not only benefits you, but it also shows your dedication and commitment to continuously learning and growing in your role.

Remember, communication is key when discussing personal development needs. Be specific about areas where you could improve, and ask your manager for guidance or resources to help you achieve those goals.

7. Share Your Career Aspirations.

Believe me, if you want to progress in your career, your manager will want to know about it. The measure of a great leader is that they produce great leaders. So, if you have a passion for growing and progressing your career, let your manager know. A good manager will be happy to give you more responsibility and promote your progression through the ranks, provided you have the skills. All your boss needs is feedback.

Feedback is essential for personal and professional growth. Instead of viewing it as criticism, see it as an opportunity to learn and improve. Ask your manager for regular feedback on your performance and consider their comments. You can also seek feedback from your colleagues or clients to get a well-rounded perspective on your strengths and areas for improvement.

8. Take the Initiative.

Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you; create them! Look for ways to contribute beyond your assigned tasks and take ownership of projects that align with your career goals. This shows initiative and drive, which are highly valued qualities in the workplace.

Barry D. Moore - Certified Financial Technician
Barry D. Moore - Certified Financial Technician
25 years of investment expertise as a certifitied financial technical analyst with IFTA. My previous corporate life featured tech titans IBM, Compaq, and Hewlett Packard. I share guidance for suceeding in the corporate world (Work) and wisely managing your finances (Life). Let's team up to create a great work and life.